It can be hard for parents to know whether their child might be showing signs of autism. That said, the earlier a child is diagnosed with autism, the more successful their treatment and therapy can potentially be.


Therefore, it’s important for parents to be aware of the signs and symptoms so they can take action if necessary. Autism is defined as a complex developmental disability that impacts how people think, act and interact with others.


It is typically diagnosed in early childhood—with children aged 2 to 3 being especially susceptible—and causes difficulty in communicating and interacting socially.

5 Common Signs of Autism

There are various types of autism disorder which each present differently, but some common indicators include:

  • Trouble making eye contact when speaking or hearing others speak
  • Difficulty understanding social cues like body language or facial expressions
  • Struggles to engage in conversations or express emotions
  • Stereotyped behavior such as rocking, hand flapping or repeating words
  • Poor coordination and awkwardness when playing games with peers

Despite these defining characteristics, not all children show the same behaviors. Some may seem aloof to others while remaining defiantly matter-of-fact towards adults. Others may have an unusually high skill set in one area such as math or patterns without corresponding success in other areas such as writing or memorizing facts. This can often lead to frustration and outbursts from those affected by the autism disorder.


That said, it’s important to note that all children grow and learn at different rates and will likely go through phases of development where their behavior may appear unusual for a brief period of time before gradually settling into line with what would typically be expected of them.


Therefore, there isn’t necessarily cause for alarm if your child displays any of these behaviors occasionally—it could just be part of growing up! The key is to keep track of time and look out for any prolonged periods where certain quirks become more fixed than they should reasonably be at this age.


If you suspect that your child has autism then it’s important to seek medical advice right away so that they can get the help and support they need sooner rather than later.


A doctor will usually recommend further tests such as psychological assessments and brain scans in order to confirm a diagnosis before advising on the best course of action going forward based on the individual needs of your family member. Taking early action is absolutely essential—although it may seem daunting at first.


With proper understanding, correct assessment and targeted interventions you can ensure that your child enjoys a bright future filled with plenty of potential opportunities despite such challenges.


If you would like to know more about childhood development, book an appointment with Dr. Linda Gordon, MD, today.



Dr. Ismail Sayeed

Dr. Sayeed is the Medical Director of ViOS, Inc. He is a deeply committed physician entrepreneur & medical blog writer. While building the global infrastructure of the VIOS Clinic, he is dedicated to educate people on the potential of specialist telemedicine for managing chronic diseases.

Read more about him in his author bio

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